Peter Temu wrote openly yesterday in
JamboForums "Where we Dare to Talk Openly" in an article titled "
Is Tanzania all that poor?" Poverty is a relative condition. North American poverty does not compare well to African poverty. Having seen poverty in Eastern and Southern African, in my home country Canada and my adopted country the US, what I saw in Africa, I have yet to see here. Nevertheless, my daughter, a college student in Florida, who has participated in relief work at the
Immokalee migrant work camps, assures me that abject poverty in Southern Florida is alive and well. Getting back to Mr. Temu. He does outline well some of the issues that prevent progress in Tanzania, however, until those issues are adequately addressed, real poverty will continue to sting his countrymen. Granted, there are some Tanzanians who go to bed with something in their stomachs, but the majority scrambles every day to survive rather than live.